Di's Suzhou Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Kay
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Current Position: Home > Recruitment
Business Specialist
Date of publication: 2017-03-01  [GoBack]  
Basic Information:
Job Category: Sales Engineer
Job Nature: Full time
Recruitment number: 2
Department: Marketing Department
Job description and requirements:
The position belongs to the group subsidiaries, the work place of Suzhou Industrial Park.
Professional customization of automotive electronics after-products.
Company's products are smart reversing rear-view system, wireless pedal, stealth protection signs, panoramic image display system automotive electronics products.
Job requirements: depot business coordination, maintenance, tracking. Product promotion and training.
Job requirements:
Education: College
Language requirements: English is good
Age: 18-30 years old
Preview: none
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Di's Suzhou Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Kay Copyright Address: No. 158 Fengli Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province Tel :18006258009 0512-82880098-8906ICP No. 14024418 -1